Sunday, November 02, 2008

One thing I have to watch out for; HDR (high dynamic range) photography will take a pretty smooth, even looking surface, and make it look textured as hell. So Cornelisz's face might end up looking like tree bark if I don't watch out. That may be desirable, but I still should have control over the thing. No excuses. None of that doing random stuff and then saying 'oooh, it looks arty' bullshit.


  1. The HDR imaging sounds really intriguing - have you worked with it on an animation before - does the combining of images add any flicker over time? The HDR photos so far look great.

  2. Haven't used it with animation yet; first time. And yeah, it occured to me that HDR might create flickering. Hopefully it won't. My backgrounds will be still though, so worst-case scenario my armatures won't be HDR, but backgrounds will be.

  3. Oh, greenscreening it? Awesome - I'd hate to see the floors littered with tie-down holes!

  4. Yeah. Hopefully it works, and doesn't turn out as a bag of ass. But i'm optimistic.


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