Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's hard to tell what the hell you're looking at with this clip. Did a quick bit of animation, then processed the frames (three exposures to each final frame) through the HDR software. The ISO was high and the F stop low and the lighting dim; i.e., non-ideal conditions. The main battle to date has been with flicker. Suprisingly, I found a wee change in camera angle made the difference between horrible and flicker (first clip) and almost acceptlble flicker (last 1 second clip). The battle now is with film grain; to discover to what degree grain is instrinsic to cranked-up HDR settings.

I also found that extreme motion blur barely registers when you're working on as 'shot-on-ones' clip. The effect is much more pronounced when shooting on twos. We're gonna shoot on ones.

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