Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Face Robot
Dave 'Ninja Fingers' Sikma posted these here neat-o pictures of our head armature, version Mark I. The jaw goes up and down, as do the eyes. Both are controlled by threading the 1/4" rod seen in the back in and out, which is then attached to i's respective mechanism via 1/16" aircraft cable. This is some serious NASA-shit we got going down here.
Just as I foresaw, the only way to approach the thing was to just pop a big-ole drill bit in the old keyless Makita and have at 'er. The eyes move quite smoothly; they're held in place with elastic cords; the same cords also pull the eyes to the extremity of their upward movement - the cable pulls it to the other extremity. The thing is a bit freaky looking.
Progress should be rapid in the future - this represents about a day and a half of work, and i'll have a whole three days off every week in the near future.

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