Saturday, December 23, 2006

As people who know us may know, we were previously working on huge project entitled 'The Hell Painting', a 14 minute + stop-motion film. It was put on hiatus due to the immense size of the project - too much work, three years of projected set-building required alone.

However, it has occured to me recently that we might do this project, after finishing the current, but in the same style as 'The Third Night'. I.e., we would scrap the expensive and very time-consuming stop-motion approach, and do it all 2D After Effects style.

The above pictures are some photoshopped storyboard panels from 'The Hell Painting'.

1 comment:

  1. 14 minutes?! Too much work??!! Immense size of the project?!!! I just finished a 94 minute feature film by myself and you have a team of guys who think a 14 minute short is too much work?!! If I can do 94 minutes by myself, a team of guys should be able to handle 14 minutes between them... Your film looked interesting too... if you need any tips feel free to contact me.


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