Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Got tired of fighting with the background plate behind Cornelisz for this scene; tried just cranking out a set element to stick behind him. Should have done it to begin with; took me under an hour. Photographed it with the wood glue still wet and the stain fresh. Just did some Photoshop sketching to figure out what rakish angles the thing should have. The computer cheats are often more trouble than they're worth; they're easy to begin with, but usually result in many hours trying to make them match the other elements.
Pics are raw mid exposure, and tonemapped result shopped into background. Still a little crappy, but there's gonna be all kinds of blur on that thing. There's some dark edges around the wood frames on the left hand side of the building. Gotta go. I'll do that in designated festering time.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Stopmo-ilization from Band Sinistre on Vimeo.
A challenge for this scene is going to be making the 'cheatin' (keyframed photoshop stills) match the actual stop-motion animation. This clip is a test of possible solutions. Most of the problems/solutions aren't visible on this small low-res clip. Really have to see it in full HD. The second clip has a 'wiggle' expression on the rotation of the gibbet - 24 times a second. To make it more choppy and less computer-y. There's also a 'match grain' going on, with the sample pulled from actual stopmotion in another shot. Also a tiny bit of flicker added to the whole thing.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Dec 16 Asst Goodies from Band Sinistre on Vimeo.
Biblical day. 13 hours. Started at 5:45. Way to beat to write anything. But I'M HAVING A GOOD TIME.Monday, December 13, 2010
Scene 6 Part 3 In Prog (no editing)
Damn, this stuff's hard. I'm perfectly happy with how this stuff looks rendered small or low res, but when you see it in full HD, it's so crystal clear that it becomes really obvious it's one element cut out and being animated on another. Bugging the crap outta me. I guess this is 'grain matching', a part of compositing I haven't gotten into yet. I'mma see if the boys can fix it.
Otherwise, i'm destroying all the work I gotta do.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
A'ight. Gonna start embedding clips via Vimeo so they looks crispier and junk.
1B_04 In Progress from Band Sinistre on Vimeo.